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We choose to act in faith


Faith in Deed (FID), or in French “Foi en Action”, is a 1901 association based in Toulouse, France.
The association was created with the purpose of encouraging biblical culture and living, social emergency actions and socio-educational actions. We do this through giving, through music, through learning and many other means.


We believe in one God who exists in three persons: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.


We believe that humans were made in God’s image to bring Him glory and to live in relationship with Him. But that because of disobedience, humans are separated from fellowship with Him and cannot restore this relationship through their own efforts.


We believe in the gospel: that Jesus Christ is the Messiah, the Son of God, was sent to earth to fulfill the prophecies laid out in the Old Testament, and to be the ultimate atonement for our sin by dying on the cross and then resurrecting 3 days.


We believe that all who believe in the gospel are freely given salvation, the right to be called children of God and the gift of eternal life with Him. Salvation is only received through grace, a gift of God, and cannot be obtained through humanly efforts.


We believe the Scriptures of the Old and New Testaments are the inspired, infallible inerrant Word of God. They alone are the final authority in determining how Followers of Jesus should live their lives.


If you are looking for a church to attend or get involved with, check out our partner association Toulouse International Church (TIC). It is a protestant evangelical church in located in Purpan, in the western part of Toulouse. Sunday services start at 11 a.m. and are in English with simultaneous French interpretation.



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